Office (205) 592-0187
Fax (205) 591-6932

Upload Files

By uploading your file, it cuts down on production time and saves you money.

We prefer that you send files in ai, eps, or other vector formats.
    Note: In vector files, unlike bitmaps, the image is made up of lines rather than squares.

For those familiar with Corel Draw, save the file as version 7 or 12 and save as curves, not text (unless you send the fonts with the file).

We can also work with files created by Flexi 7.6 and Gerber Omega 2.1

If you do not have a vector file you can always upload a jpeg or tif (bitmap).

Clean files at a higher resolution are the easiest to work with.

Files for Digital Prints

For digital prints, images at resolutions between 200 to 300 dpi print with the best quality and clarity.

To upload your file to our FTP site, send an e-mail to We will send detailed instructions.






Vector vs Bitmap  
Web Bitmap